One Hour to Die

Genre: Drama
Overall 8
Acting 8
Originality 8
Production Value 7

Take a few actors off to a remote location, give them a storyline, tell them they have to move through the story in the space of 90 minutes and come to the shocking conclusion and that they have to do this in one long take.

The fact that this actually happened is a testament to the superb acting skills of these people and the hard work rehearsing for days before. Yes, this film was shot in one long take. The question is, no matter how clever that is and hard to do, is it entertaining?

Well, in fact it is and this is why. The strong acting is great, but not enough to make a film interesting. The story is interesting and the elements that are thrown in bring it alive throughout the 90 minutes of the film. The character relationships was obviously something that needed to be strong and they are. A priest, an domineering housewife, a lame brother, a slutty sister and a sick filmmaker. Throw them all together, make them act out a scenario, see how the actors in their characters react to stimulation and you have a truly original and fascinating film with a massive twist at the very end. Highly recommended.  

Pulp Fiction

Genre: Drama with a little action
Overall 9
Acting 9
Originality 10
Production Value 10

The film that brought life back to John Travolta and shocked a whole generation. Pulp Fiction is a drug induced trip into the mind of Quentin Tarantino (who actually appears in the film as something of a weed). In truth there is just about everything you could want in a bizarre film. Top stars having fun as the most insane characters, great music, wonderful production values and a fascinating script full of funny dialogue.

Some of the shots are just awesome. Minutes of constant, almost slapstick dialogue between Samuel L Jackson and Travolta shot in one very long take by a camera on the move backwards around bending corridors is a true work of class in cinematography.

The beauty of the film is in all its elements but mostly in the vision of Tarantino, who saw an opening for the strange and went for it. Kudos has to go to the big stars who got involved and gave the world the finger in doing so. Not a typical blockbuster, not a typical anything, Pulp Fiction is dynamic on every level and stands the test of time.

So next time you’re sick to death of yet another remake or some banal dross dreamed up by the studios standard screenwriters and marketing men, pop in your Pulp Fiction DVD and enjoy some class that doesn’t treat you like a lemming on dope.

Anna: Scream Queen Killer
Overall: 8
Acting: 10
Originality: 8
Production Value 6
This is a disturbing film on so many levels. Co-written and Produced by the leading lady, Melanie Denholme, with Director, Aquinas, the film cuts at the very heart of modern indie filmmaking.
An aspiring actress, a sicko filmmaker and a series of freaky auditions that just get sicker and more perverted as it goes along. Something finally breaks the girl and she turns. I'm not going to give too much away, but I will say this: very very rarely do you see acting like this from an indie flick. A stunning performance that draws you in and forces you to desire the lady but also feel really sorry for her. The range of emotions and physical expressions are amazing and well, you have to watch it to understand. I was engrossed, not in the story of the camera work or sets or anything other than the emotional attachment to the lead actress and her predicament. Recommended just for the acting alone.