The Viking Serpent

Genre: Documentary
Overall 8
Acting n/a
Originality 8
Production Value 7

You can turn on Discovery Channel and watch all kinds of documentaries, but you’ll never come near anything like The Viking Serpent.

A beautiful journey into the heart of Norway, Viking history and lost secrets of ancient serpent cults. This documentary reveals a massive symbol placed on the landscape of Norway over thousands of miles and hundreds of years by the people who once worshipped the serpent. Ideally placed to follow this investigation is the author of numerous books on the subject, Philip Gardiner. We follow his journey as he meets up with the man who discovered the huge pentagram on the landscape of Norway, Harald Boelke. They travel across the country to the marker points and explain the fascinating history along the way.

There should be more films like this, which ask searching questions of our ancient past without any political correctness or fear of a religious backlash. Recommended.

The Wildman of Kentucky

Genre: Documentary
Overall 8
Acting n/a
Originality 8
Production Value 7

There are hundreds of documentaries about Bigfoot and they all pretty much come to the same conclusions. This is a refreshing Bigfoot doc because it follows a team of filmmakers into the heart of previously undiscovered evidence, eye witnesses and landscapes.

A well shot and visually stimulating film that is intimate because we are with these guys up close and personal. It feels as if we too are experiencing their discoveries with them and that makes the documentary all the more interesting and enjoyable. A journey with a best-selling author, a record producer, a guitarist from a big US band and a bigfoot researcher makes this a really strange documentary as well.

One night we venture out into the black night in the middle of nowhere with just cameras and a torch and what is caught on camera is truly bizarre.

Well worth a look!