The Flirting Club

Genre: Comedy
Overall 7
Acting 6
Originality 8
Production Value 7

An indie British comedy reminiscent of the good old days of Carry On. Take yourself away to a seaside resort, meet a few strange folk, bring them together into a kind of dating club and you have a recipe for some good humour.

For an indie film, the scenes and scope is surprisingly large, with many locations, street scenes and more. A lot of effort and work went into the production of this film and it shows. Lots of good unknown British actors show there is plenty of talent to be had (this was the first film for the actress, Melanie Denholme who has gone on to star in several films).

Cheeky, funny and colourful, it is a good stab at a light hearted, almost slapstick humour that the Brits do so well. Recommended.  

Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Overall: 8/10
Acting: 7/10
Originality: 10/10
Production value: 9/10
Cast: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Chris Evans, Aubrey Plaza
From print to screen Scott Pilgrim is a character few would know from his indie comic origins, but you’ll wonder where he and his quirky crew have been all your life after the credits roll. From the mind behind such greats as Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead, Scott Pilgrim vs The World will not disappoint. A retro roller coaster of witty comedy, outrageous action and inventive script writing will leave you wanting more. Following Pilgrim (Michael cera) as he fights his way through 7 deadly exes’ of his dream girl Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is great fun to watch for the awesome fight scenes alone. So why not stage dive into a world where dead people turn into coins and playing bass can actually get you laid?